Rabu, 13 November 2013

Inspiring Korea


Oktober 2013 nanti adalah kali ketiga saya ke Korea. Dan kalau oktober ini saya dapat foto Nami Island dengan daun-daun warna merah atau kekuningan, berarti saya genap mengkoleksi foto Nami Island di tiga musim, panas, dingin, dan gugur. Dan secara keseluruhan saya suka Korea. Pertama karena kotanya teratur, pariwisatanya ditata dengan bagus, banyak diskon untuk turis asing seperti saya. Kedua, saya suka suasananya terutama suasana pedestrian dan window shoppingnya. Yang ketiga, Korea seperti rumah kedua saya dalam hal liburan. Berikut beberapa tempat-tempat wisata yang biasanya saya rajin kunjungi.

1.       Nami Island
MRT : Gapyeong stationà lanjut taxi atau bus umum ke dermaga penyeberangan menuju Nami Island.
Ongkos taxi berkisar antara 5000-8000 won sekali jalan. Taxi bisa dipakai 1-4 orang.
Ongkos bus umum berkisar antara 900-1100 won one way
Ongkos masuk+tiket penyeberangan berkisar antara 8000-10000 won (diskon berlaku untuk turis asing).
Tempat syuting salah satu drama terkenal Korea “Winter Sonata” antara Bae Yong Jun and Choi Ji Woo. Drama ini sangat terkenal pada jamannya dan salah satu daftar tetap tempat wisata wajib kunjung di dalam paket-paket tour ke Korea.

2.       Myeongdong
MRT : Myeongdong station line 4. Biasanya selain saya nonton NANTA Show di area ini, harganya berkisar antara 40000-50000 won. Saya juga tak lupa mengunjungi Myeongdong Cathedral (exit 9) dan tentunya window shopping berbelanja aneka kosmetik. Toko kosmetik di Myeongdong menurut saya paling lengkap stoknya.  

3.       Namdaemun Market
MRT : Hoehyeon station. Di sini anda bisa menemukan berbagai macam merchandise kpop, baju, makanan, souvenir, dan lain-lain dengan harga miring. Saran saya bawa tas yang besar untuk menampung barang belanjaan anda.

4.       Gyeongbukgung Palace
MRT : Gyeongbukgung station. Namanya juga palace, yang anda akan nikmati pastinya bentuk-bentuk istana di Korea. Tiket masuk berkisar antara 3000-5000 won. Tersedia juga paket visiting palace total ada 4 palace dengan harga tertentu. Sebelum masuk Gyeongbukgung Palace, anda juga dapat mengunjungi Museum National korea. Anda bisa melihat dan mempelajari sejarah-sejarah Korea.

5.       Changdoekgung Palace
MRT : Angguk station line 3 exit 3
Palace ini adalah salah satu daftar yang akan saya kunjungi di Oktober 2013 nanti. Karena sebelumnya saya belum pernah kemari.

6.       Insadong
MRT : Angguk station
Di sini pusat souvenir khas korea banyak ditemukan. Mulai dari boneka ceramic, boneka memakai hanbok, gantungan kunci berbendera korea, snowball berbau korea, sampai kaos dan hanbok-pakaian tradisional khas korea, semuanya ada. Mau beli satuan atau grosir juga tersedia dengan berbagai macam harga tentunya.

7.       Dongdaemun
MRT : Dongdaemun History and Culture Park
Siapa yang tak kenal Dongdaemun ? Indonesian people get some tour to Seoul must be shopping in Dongdaemun. Dongdaemun ini luas dan mereka buka sampai pagi menjelang. Jadi anda pasti punya banyak waktu untuk menjelajah area-area di Dongdaemun ini. Anda bisa menemukan merchandise khas korea, berbelanja baju-baju korea, dan lain-lain. Jangan lupa mencoba jajanan pinggir jalannya seperti tteoppoki dan gimbab.

8.       Hongdae
MRT : Honggik line 2 exit 9. Di sini lebih banyak makanan dan barbeque. Karena dekat dengan salah satu universitas terkenal di Korea, maka harga bbq-nya juga lumayan miring. Jangan lupa TRICK EYE MUSEUM layak buat dikunjungi. Museum yang akan “menipu” mata anda. Buatlah foto yang menarik di sini akan jadi kenang-kenangan indah seumur hidup. Kalau lelah, anda bisa bersantai di HELLO KITTY CAFE (exit 5) dimana cafe bernuansa hello kitty atau COFFEE PRINCE dimana kalau anda nge-fans dengan drama korea, anda akan familiar dengan nuansa cafe ini. MOLLY POPS ICE CREAM dengan rasa macam-macam bahkan wasabi atau sampanye patut anda coba.

9.       Gwanghwamun (King Sejong statue and Admiral Yi Sun Shin)
MRT : Gwanghwamun. Tahu kan icon Korea yaitu King Sejong statue yang dipinggir jalan raya itu ?! Wajib foto deh. Jangan lewatkan berkunjung dan berfoto di depan King Sejong statue atau Admiral Yi Sun Shin. Anda belum ke Korea kalau belum berfoto dengan kedua icon ini.
Di sini juga ada jajanan gei dan jai (bolu isi fla) seharga 2000-3000 won sebungkus yang layak anda beli karena di sini jajanan gei dan jai paling enak selama yang pernah saya coba di Seoul. Dan kalau anda penyuka buku seperti saya, jangan lewatkan menjelajahi Kyobo bookstore, toko buku ini sangat luas yang sayang dilewatkan. Toko buku ini juga pernah muncul dalam variety show Running Man.

10.   Gangnam
MRT : Gangnam gu office station / Seolloeung station
Semenjak PSY mempopulerkan lagu Gangnam Style, kawasan ini ramai dikunjungi turis. Sebenarnya gangnam sendiri adalah area pedestrian kalangan elit. Tapi jangan kuatir, bila anda tidak berniat untuk membeli barang-barang branded, anda masih bisa menikmati jalanan ini dengan santai. Konon kabarnya di jalanan ini akan dibangun semacam jejak-jejak kaki atau tangan para artis kpop seperti di Los Angeles sana.

11.   Apguejong Rodeo Street
MRT : Apguejong Rodeo station bundang line. Awalnya saya kemari karena ingin tahu mengenai SM entertainment office. Apguejong rodeo street sendiri adalah sebuah pedestrian window shopping branded merk. Kantor SM Entertainment tak jauh dari sini exit 2.

12.   Namsan Seoul Tower
MRT : Myeongdong station line 4 exit 3 à lanjut bus no. 02 atau no. 05
MRT : Seoul station exit 9 à lanjut bus no. 03
Atau anda bisa turun di Myeongdong station line 4 exit 3 jalan menuju Pacific Hotel sekitar 10-15 menit untuk naik cable car ke N-Seoul Tower. Harganya berkisar 6000 won one way atau 8000 won return. Di dalam N-Seoul Tower ini ada Museum Teddy Bear, observatory deck, bbq and grill restaurant, N-Gift shop.

13.   63 Building (Museum Wax)
MRT : Yeouinaru station line 5 exit 4. Saya baru pertama kali kemari karena saya ingin tahu apa yang ada di dalamnya.  Anda bisa menikmati keindahan panorama kota Seoul dari ketinggian dan museum wax. Menurut saya yang menarik dari 63 building adalah dua di atas.

14.   Everland Theme Park
MRT : Giheung station along the bundang line subway exit 3 will lead you to shuttle bus stop services to everland and carribean bay. The park entrance also 10 minutes walk from the station.
Atau by bus departure from gangnam no. 5002 or departure from jamsil no. 5700.

15.   Lotte World
MRT : Jamsil station line 2 exit 4
Lotte world ini ada theme park, mall, dan toko-toko dibawah naungan Lotte. Bagi penyuka Hallyu Wave ada Star Avenue di dalamnya yang takkan mau anda lewatkan.



In the middle of October 2013 will be my third time to Korea. And if i can take a picture of Nami Island with red or yellow leaves color, it’s mean my photos about three season in Nami will be completed which is summer, winter, and fall. Before this, i have traveled to Korea on March 2012 and September 2012. In the last time i visit Korea on September, i also feel Chuseok Day in Seoul. And overall i love Korea. Firstly because of the city regularly laid out with good tourism, many discounts for foreign tourists like me. Secondly, I like the atmosphere primarily pedestrian and also window shopping’s atmosphere . Third, Korea like my second home in a vacation context. I always traveling to Korea independently and usually alone. Here are some tourist spots that i normally visits.

1 . Nami Island
MRT : Gapyeong station and continue by taxi or public bus to the pier crossing towards Nami Island .
Taxi fare ranges between 5000-8000 won oneway . Taxi can be used 1-4 people .
Public bus fare ranges between 900-1100 won one way
Cost of entry ticket + boat between 8000-10000 won return ( discounts apply to foreign tourists ) .
Nami Island is the set of one famous Korean drama " Winter Sonata " by Bae Yong Jun and Choi Ji Woo . This drama is very famous before and remains one of the list must visit tourist attractions in the tour packages of Korea.

2 . Myeongdong
MRT : Myeongdong station line 4. Usually I also watch NANTA Show in this area, prices range between 40000-50000 won. I also do not forget to visit Myeongdong Cathedral ( exit 9 ) and of course window shopping for a variety of cosmetics. Cosmetics store in Myeongdong in my opinion the most complete stock .

3 . Namdaemun Market
MRT : Hoehyeon station. Here you can find various kinds of kpop merchandise , clothes , food , souvenirs , etc at bargain prices. My advice take a big bag to hold your groceries.

4 . Gyeongbukgung Palace
MRT : Gyeongbukgung station. You will certainly enjoy the forms of castles in Korea. Admission ranged between 3000-5000 won . There was also a visiting pack there for  total 4 palace palace with a specific price. Before entering Gyeongbukgung Palace, you can also visit the National Museum of Korea . You can see and learn the histories of Korea.

5 . Changdoekgung Palace
MRT : Angguk station exit 3 line 3
This palace is one list that I will visit later in October 2013. Because I 've never been here before.

6 . Insadong
MRT : Angguk station
Here you can find the korea’ souvenir center. From ceramic doll, doll wearing hanbok, key chain with korean flag, socks with korean flag,  snowball of korea, also shirt and traditional korean dress - hanbok, is there . You can buy wholesale unit or just a little ones are available with a wide variety of price .

7 . Dongdaemun
MRT : Dongdaemun History and Culture Park
Who does not know Dongdaemun ? Indonesian people get some tour to Seoul must be shopping in Dongdaemun . Dongdaemun is so wide area and they are open until late morning . So you definitely have plenty of time to explore the whole areas in the Dongdaemun . You can find distinctive merchandise korea, korean clothes shopping, and others. Do not forget to try roadside snacks like tteoppoki and gimbab .

8 . Hongdae
MRT : Honggik line 2 exit 9 . Here you can find more food and barbeque style. Since it is close to one of the famous universities in Korea, the price of food and bbq is also pretty decent. Do not forget to visit TRICK EYE MUSEUM because it’s worth. This museum will "cheat" your eyes . Make an interesting photo in here would be a wonderful keepsake for life . If you tired , you can relax in HELLO KITTY CAFE (exit 5 ) where you can find the cafe with nuanced of hello kitty.  Or COFFEE PRINCE where if you are big fans with Korean drama, you will be familiar with the feel of this cafe. MOLLY ICE CREAM POPS  with assorted flavors even wasabi or champagne you should try too.

9 . Gwanghwamun ( King Sejong statue and Admiral Yi Sun Shin )
MRT : Gwanghwamun . Do not miss to visit and take pictures in front of the King Sejong statue or Admiral Yi Sun Shin. You have not been to Korea if you do not take pictures with the both of icons.
You can find snacks called gei dan jai (sponge cake contents fla ) for 2000-3000 won per pack. You must buy because this snack is very delicious i’ve ever tried in Seoul. And if you are a book lover like me, do not miss exploring the Kyobo bookstore , the bookstore is so big. The bookstore also has appeared in a variety show Running Man .

10 . Gangnam
MRT : Gangnam gu office station / Seolloeung station
Since the song of PSY “Gangnam Style” popular, this area crowded with tourists. Actually Gangnam itself is elite pedestrian area. But do not worry , if you do not intend to buy branded items, you can still enjoy your journey with looking around. The rumour says that on this road will be built such footprints or handprints of kpop artists same like in Los Angeles.

11 . Apguejong Rodeo Street
MRT : Apguejong Rodeo station Bundang line. Basicly i came in this area because i wanted to know about the SM Entertainment office. Apguejong rodeo itself is a pedestrian street and window shopping with branded brands. SM Entertainment office not far from here (exit 2).

12 . Namsan Seoul Tower
 MRT : Myeongdong station line 4 exit 3 and continue with bus no.02 or no.05
MRT : Seoul station exit 9 and continue with bus no.03
Or you can ride with cable car by get off from Myeongdong station line 4 exit 3 towards the Pacific Hotel about 10-15 minutes walk. Prices range from 6,000 won one way or 8,000 won return . In the N - Seoul Tower you can visit Teddy Bear Museum, observatory deck, bbq and grill restaurant, and also N -Gift shop.

13 . 63 Building ( Wax Museum )
MRT : Yeouinaru station line 5 exit 4 . My first time here because i wanted to know what was in it. You can enjoy the beautiful panorama the city of Seoul from the height or you can visit wax museum. I think the appeal of the 63 building is two above.

14 . Everland Theme Park
MRT : Giheung station along the Bundang subway line exit 3 will lead you to the shuttle bus stop services to Everland and carribean bay. The park entrance also 10 minutes walk from the station.
Or departure from Gangnam by bus no. 5002 or departure from Jamsil by bus no. 5700.

15 . Lotte World
MRT : Jamsil station line 2 exit 4. Lotte World is a theme park , and there is big mall inside, and also the shops under the brand of Lotte. For enthusiasts Hallyu Wave there is Star Avenue inside that you will not want to miss .

And finally, i hope you will enjoy Korea like i did.
